ISGP Hajj Workshop 2024 / 1445

ISGP Hajj Workshop 2024 / 1445

Assalamu’alaikum all,

Please join us at our Hajj Workshop this year!

It’s always a blessing to learn the knowledge of this fifth pillar of our deen even if we don’t have a plan to go Hajj this year insha Allah.

Please see the attached flyer below and forward to family and friends that may benefit from the workshop.

May 10, 17, 24th, and 31st

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

ISGP Center
16100 SW Blanton St,
Beaverton, OR 97078

Br.Amr Khalifa

May Allah grant us useful knowledge that benefits us in this world and Hereafter. Ameen.

Jazakumullah khair!

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